Garage car lift systems are specifically built to store vehicles either for the short or long term. Garage car lifts are perfect for amateur car collectors, homeowners that have limited garage space, commercial car storage companies and commercial parking garages. While some garage car lifts can hold two vehicle (lifting one vehicle in the air and having the other vehicle stored underneath), some garage car lift products can be stacked two, three, four and more times high holding several vehicles in one single vertical space.
Garage car lifts usually are 4 post units that allow for cars to easily be lifted in the area and include a sizable space underneath for storing a second vehicle. Scissor car lifts and 2 post car lifts are never used for storage purposes and made for specific maintenance situations.
Garage car lifts are usually electrical/hydraulic types that include hydraulic cylinders to lift and lower a vehicle. Commercial storage units are usually the most costly due to their structure and special features. However, there are plenty of garage car lifts made for homeowners and amateur car collectors which are very affordable- some starting less than $1,000. Many car collectors own several garage car lifts, however, since the vehicles on these lifts are rarely raised or lowered, only one hydraulic pump/unit is required making the actual cost even lower per lift. In this case, you can easily connect the power unit to each individual garage car lift to raise or lower the vehicle. Garage car lifts are available in many weight capacities, as well as vehicle size length and widths.