How to Tune a Car

A car is incredibly important and many car owners count on their car to constantly perform well, offer safety for their family and be consistently reliable.  While cars have changed drastically with the many new technologies that have been introduced in the last 20 years, you can still tune your car to a certain degree to ensure that it will continue to perform.  Here are some of the things to consider when tuning your car.

Tools Needed
Unless you are car enthusiast, you probably won’t have any need for tools other than the basic screwdriver, wrench and the car’s owner manual.  For many of the new cars, you are not required to tune it for at least 100,000 miles- and even then, it is encouraged that you bring it into a reputable service station.  However, for the basic car owner and even the car enthusiast, you can usually do a lot with a couple of tools and the car’s manual.  While all vehicles have different specs, generally speaking, if you are planning on tuning a car, you will want to tackle the following:  oil change, air filter, belts & hoses & tires.

Oil Change
While most people these days take their car for a 15 minute oil change, you can do yours in about the same time for about half the cost.  Just make sure to get the right size oil filter and the right grade of motor oil.  You will also want to have on hand all the tools necessary to not only change the oil, but dispose of it properly.

Air Filter
The air filter can also be easy to change.  You might have to search around the vehicle and use a screwdriver or wrench to get at it.  But once you pull it out, take a look at it and make sure it is clean.  If not, replace it.  The color of the air filter can be slightly faded, but if it has black stains and spots- ditch it.

Belts & Hoses
Other items that you should visibly check are the belts and hoses.  Belts and hoses should be visibly checked every couple of weeks, especially if you are noticing a reduction in performance.  Make sure all belts and hoses are secured tightly and that there are no cracks or nicks visible.  If the rubber looks faded or looks like it is developing a crack or split replace it.

Tires are essential to high performance and safety.  When checking tires, not only check the tread, but also if it is properly inflated.  You can look in your manual to make sure you inflate all tires to their proper PSI (pounds per square inch).  Never over-inflate or under-inflate your tires.

For those that are looking to tune up their cars, you can’t do as much as you used to the older cars, but you can still ensure the best performance and safety.  If you have any specific questions about your vehicle, always talk to a licensed mechanic or your dealership.