After Market GPS Kits

After Market GPS Kits

With technology moving at light speed, today’s car owners have the advantage of electronics that just a few years ago seemed an impossible dream.  One of these incredible technologies that is now common place in most vehicles is GPS.  With GPS, you can instantly get driving directions to practically any location in the country.  And with today’s technology, not only is inputting a location simple and easy, but receiving voice guidance makes you keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel where ever you go.  Here are just a few ways to get the most out of your after market GPS.


There are two main types of after market auto GPS products.  They include: in dash GPS which are fixed permanently in your vehicle and portable GPS products that can easily be mounted to your dash when you require GPS.

For fixed after market GPS, you can either easily purchase a DVD or stereo system that has a 2.5 inch or larger screen to access GPS.  In addition, fixed GPS units can also be externally mounted but wired internally so that your GPS always has power.  These systems usually use a mounting kit that places the GPS screen either on top of the dash or lower where the central vents usually are.

For many drivers, more and more are using easy portable GPS units that simply plug into your DC auxiliary power outlet and can be affixed in a dash mounting kit when you require GPS.  Some portable GPS units already have their own battery so for short trips, you may not even need to plug them in freeing up an outlet for another accessory.  Whichever type of aftermarket GPS unit you decide on, you will get a lot of use out of these extremely practical units and the best part is no more stopping at the gas station for directions.