The Audi model is compact and heavy. This super utility vehicle is quite heavy but it does not compromise on its handling and accuracy. Its heaviness provides a sense of security and safety to its passengers. 2007 Audi Q7 4.2L V8 Sport is a high tech, luxurious and comfortable car. Lane-changing side and cruise control unit are other features that the car posses. Also, weather control selection is offered to all the passengers. The interiors are comfortable and spacious. The wooden pane and leather seats offer warmth and pride to its passengers. The firm turning circle enables easy movement on slippery and rough surfaces. Multi-Media Interface facilitates the driver to maintain control and drive smoothly. To relax and ease your tensions, Bose music system is provided with 14 speakers. Quattro drive structure provides for convenient driving on all kinds of roads. Also, roll stabilization system enables the driver to turn conveniently.
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