In the highly competitive credit card industry, credit card companies are always looking for novel ways to make their cards attractive to the consumers. Nowadays, customers do not choose cards on the basis of credit limits, interest rates and other attached fees. The choice is made more complicated by the numerous rewards that the cardholder is entitled when using a card.
The price of gasoline has tremendously increased these days and it costs more to use vehicles but people do not have a choice because cars are necessary to get work and go to other places. Credit card companies have used this reality in their marketing strategy and there are now several of them issuing gas credit cards.
Gas credit cards reduce the amount paid for gasoline for a cardholder because he gets a rebate for every purchase he makes at a gas pump. The rebates vary from 3-5% of the purchase amount and can mean more than a hundred dollars worth of savings for the customer at the end of a year. The more he gases up, the more he saves.
Some companies have partnered with oil companies to provide consumers with this type of credit card, such as Chase and British Petroleum. Every time a Chase cardholder buys fuel from a BP gas station, he gets a cashback equal to 5% of what he purchased. Other gas cards allow rebates are virtually every station, regardless of the brand, but at lower rebate rates. There are many gas credit cards out in the market today and it is up to the customer to find the ideal one.
As consumers, we always try to find the best deal and those which give us the most value. This is also true for gas credit cards. In choosing the ideal one, the terms and conditions have to be evaluated, most especially the fine print. A card offer may sound very attractive but it may have rates which could eradicate the gains in the long term and worse, could cause the cardholder to have a bad credit record.
In terms of rewards, most gas cards offer other benefits aside from gasoline rebates. There are also discounts given for restaurants, groceries, drugstores and other eligible retail establishment. The card user then has to choose that which provides the most value by assessing which type of establishment he patronizes more often than the others.
It is not only the rebates and rewards that make the gas credit card useful. It is the fact that a commodity like gasoline can be bought on credit. Cardholders need not worry about running out of gas in the middle of the week, when the gasoline budget has been depleted. For this reason, many gas cardholders limit the use of their cards for gas purchases alone.
Owning a gas credit card has certainly its advantages but using it should be taken as a privilege that has a responsibility attached to it. Whatever the rewards the cardholder enjoys with using his card, the rewards would come to naught if balances are not paid on time.