Car Insurance Quote

Car insurance can be a major expense for many families. With car insurance costing thousands of dollars per car, insurance for a family that has two or more drivers can cost a small fortune each year. Since car insurance is mandatory in most states, there is no getting around this important purchase, however with a little research and some time, you can save big by utilizing car insurance quotes. Here is how.

Contact Your Neighborhood Car Insurance Office

Generally speaking your local car insurance office can offer you a very competitive deal. Contact insurance company offices in your neighborhood and request a quote directly. If you already purchase life insurance, home owners insurance or any other type of insurance from a specific company, request a car insurance quote from this company first. Usually loyalty in the insurance business goes a long way. You can usually receive a discount for being a current customer.

Shop for Car Insurance via the Internet

The internet is not only the best place to shop for a lot of household items, but for car insurance as well. Since car insurance varies by company, by contacting each company you will receive a separate quote. Usually car insurance companies offer quotes online. You can compare several different companies in just a few minutes just by requesting quotes.

In addition, there are many car insurance websites that act as car insurance quote aggregators. They can request several quotes from potentially dozens of companies. Once you receive quotes, you can simply compare and contrast each company’s offer and price.

Request Additional Savings on Your Car Insurance

You can save lots of additional money by requesting special savings. When you request your car insurance quote, it is important to find out if there are additional savings that you might qualify for. For instance, if you drive only a few miles per day, if you are a student with good grades, if your car has an anti-theft device, etc. Many insurance companies might not offer these savings; it is up to you to request them. Some types of savings can save you potentially hundreds of dollars per year- making them more than worth your time and effort.