Fresh Paint for Your Car
Car Solid Colors

Fresh Paint for Your Car

Let’s face it, there is nothing better than a new paint job and if you are looking to enhance your car’s exterior appeal, you usually can’t do wrong by either painting your vehicle or having it painted professionally.  While not everyone has the space and equipment to paint their car, it is easier than ever to get a high quality paint job- and affordable too.

Here are some tips:

It used to be that when your car started to chip and rust in spots, it was time to head down to the auto parts store and by a dozen cans of black primer.  While black primer was never considered a real paint job, for many muscle car owners in the 70’s and 80’s and before, black primer definitely did the trick of making your vehicle look mean.

Car Solid Colors

Today, however things are a little more sophisticated.  First off, it is easier than ever to have your car quality painted.  Most body shops offer great resources and tools to make sure your vehicle comes out looking and being very close to a factory paint job (while not perfect, the paint will definitely last for 5 to 7 years in most cases).  In addition, adding special touches to your vehicle such as pin stripes or graphics is quick, easy and affordable thanks to vinyl.

While you can paint your vehicle on your own, unless you really want to take on a new project, it is usually better to let the professionals do it since they have all the equipment and space necessary.  Also, since it is pretty affordable, why bother.  So, if you want to give your vehicle a new look and stand out in the crowd, there is pretty much nothing better than a brand new paint job.