Power windows are common in modern cars. They not only add to its beauty, but provide excellent security to your car and its accessories. So, you should not allow these windows to stay in a dead condition for long. Again, you don’t even need to ask for a specialist to repair a car window, as the following tips will make your task very easy.
Advancement in technology has brought about considerable change in our lives. Things, which we initially used to think were out of our reach, have slowly started becoming reality. Amongst the invention that we have come across, car is one of the most intriguing one. But, who would have thought its windows, which initially required some effort just for opening the window can now be done with a press on the button? Having the window of your car function electronically can definitely make opening & closing it very easy. However, along with technology you also get its glitches.
There are cases, especially with cars over 5 years old and depending on the maintenance it has gone through, power window does get stuck. It doesn’t matter how many times you press its button, window will neither open nor close. In such a scenario, it becomes difficult for you to safeguard your car’s accessories when you’re not around.
There are numerous reasons behind the car’s power windows to get stuck. You just need to go through steps mentioned below for learning the likely problems and knowing what you can do about fixing them. You don’t need to bring your car to specialists straightaway, as knowing these steps you can easily fix the power window of your car by yourself. If you learn these tricks properly, you can even save a considerable sum that otherwise would have gone to a specialist.
- You should look for your car’s battery under its hood. Then follow it up by detaching the negative wire in the battery from your car’s motor
- Now, you need to takeout the interior door panel of the window, which is not working. You should remove all the things present on the side of the window, which might fall of. When all the bolts and screws are removed, you need to shake the panel for loosening it up from the bracket, which holds it in place
- Prior to troubleshooting, you should detach wirings of power windows and power door locks
- You should begin the process of assessing fuses of your power window. If its fuse has been busted, what you need to do is simply change it
- If fuse is properly working, then you should get a multi-meter for checking if wiring of your power window might be causing you the problem. By doing so, you can easily come to a conclusion, if your power window’s motor is the main culprit or not. For doing better assessment, you should also test the switch’s wiring
- If there’s really a need for replacing motor of your car’s power window as it has been gauged in the reading of multi-meter, you need to simply unscrew the bolts, which attach the motor to its door
- When you have removed the old motor, you need to screw a new motor in its place. Now, use the multi-meter again. This will help you to know whether your power window is working or not, prior to reinstalling the interior door panel
Once it indicates that everything is working fine, you can throw your worries with regards to your car and its accessories.