Hub Caps
Hub Caps

Hub Caps

When you bought your car chances are it had a regular looking hub caps or none at all. A lot of serious car “aficionados” like to dress up their cars and they start first at the wheel.

Hub Caps

It’s important for any car owner to know how to buy a hub cap that fits his wheel. All he needs to do is to take a look at his wheel for the “R” label on the side. An R15 means his wheel size is 15 inches and so he needs a hub cap that will fit that. Sizes range from narrow, 12 inches, to wide, 15 to 16 inches.

After looking at the size, he also needs to select a design. Some designs are interchangeable so you can use the hub cap with another car model. Most hub cap designs come in flashy chrome and some have metallic color inserts for added sporty looks. What’s most important is hub caps shouldn’t make it hard changing your tire while giving your car a facelift.