How to Maintain Your Car Heater

Are you going to perform some maintenance on your car heater? Are you trying to repair your car heater?

First of all you need to check if your car heater is still working…

Winter is a busy time for car owners. There are a lot of things to change and check before you can ride out again. You’d probably put it in your to-do list, but you always tend to end up doing other s chores first. You haven’t checked your car heater for a long time, so you should really get yourself to do it. Here are some basic instructions for doing that.

One sign you might notice if your car heater is no longer working is the frost or ice building inside your car after you start it and about time your heater kicked in. don’t worry here are some few things you can check and correct without the help of mechanics.  It is especially important every time winter comes knocking about.

First, you need to transfer your car to a heated garage. Take the car for a drive until the engine and the heater warm up. To check its heat output, it is advised to set the heat on high and set the blower at medium or higher. You can monitor the heat output by inserting thermometers in the driver and passenger side vents.. Somewhere between 115 degrees and 120 degrees is usually an acceptable temperature, but it is also possible to have a higher reading. If your results are as mentioned you have successfully checked your car heater, but if not, please keep reading.

You owner’s manual and the manufacturer’s website are great resources to help you quickly and precisely determine the problem and optimize heat. If the answer is not there, you have to pop the hood.

Just staring at your heater will probably be in vain, so we start at the coolant vents. Make sure that the coolant level in the reservoir matches the manufacturer’s specifications. Even though this is not the problem, proper coolant level will help your heater run warmer. Also make sure that your coolant is clean. You should replace it regularly so it will always be in good shape. Always check your coolant temperature whenever you can.

If the temperature is still too cool, check the temperature do or motor to make sure it is working.  It is usually located under the dashboard when you remove the panel. If it does not seem to work, it is better to replace this.

If all these fails, call a mechanic to make sure.