General Motors (GM)
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General Motors (GM)

GM is the largest automotive manufacturer in the world and was founded in 1908. Currently the company has manufacturing facilities in thirty United States’ States, and also in 33 different countries. The GM brand itself produces its own cars along with engines for its cars and all the other brands that it holds under it. William C. Durant founded GM, and then bought Oldsmobile, followed by Cadillac, and then Elmore. Next he acquired Oakland and a few others, along with many other diversified companies and other services. When the Second World War rolled around it was found that GM has many ties with the NSDAP, so far that their Vice President was found to be a NAZI.

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In addition to this, the GM boss named James Mooney was awarded a medal by Adolf Hitler personally for his services to Nazi Germany, and their own documentation showed many plans and strategies to make cash off of the German Reich. They were so connected that a certain Bradford Snell has postulated that without GM, there would have been no invasions of Poland or Russia, because GM provided the infrastructure needed.

After the war GM continued its growth and was the first company to make a billion dollars in one fiscal year, and employed more Americans than any other corporation. In the 1980s, however, GM rolled into trouble and they began to leak money, they lost profitability and yet still maintained their massive stance as number one. However their joint ventures and other ideas just did not seem to pan out – until they decided to learn from the Japanese models of manufacturing by forming joint ventures and learning from them. Unfortunately many in GM did not want to change, so the current CEO, Roger Smith, created Saturn – and put them all there. Although Saturn has done well, it was not enough to revolutionize GM, and it continued to plummet into the 90s. The new Smith CEO (same last name, no relation) inherited huge losses and a collapsing empire on the brink of bankruptcy, and ended up turning the company around. Unfortunately these lead to many layoffs. After it began to regain ground it was hit hard by the 2001 crash, and ended up having to respond dramatically to salvage itself – including offering buyouts. So far they have regained ground and appear to be on the mend.