How to Make a Survival Car Heater

During those cold winter months, you may become snowbound for several days without help from the outside. It is in those times that you will need to heat your car with few resources. So having a car survival heater is really handy. Or you could have it just to be in the safe side. You never know what can happen during those long drives in the cold weather.

Here is how you can make your own survival heater.

You have to gather the following materials:

  • roll of unscented
  • Half a dozen bottles of unscented 70% to 91% isopropyl alcohol
  • empty metal can that is a little taller than the toilet paper roll
  • larger metal can such as a 3-pound coffee or large popcorn container
  • Aluminum pan or pot a little wider than the top of the larger can

The can that you will use must be metal, it would be better if it is not painted and without the outer paper. The preferable size is that of a one pound coffee can or a 30 ounce fruit can so it can hold the full roll of toilet paper as is. Next thing you do is remove the cardboard core of the toilet paper roll. Take off enough sheets so that it fits into the can when pushed hard. Make sure there is no space around it and it is completely below the rim of the can.

Place the can with the toilet paper inside the larger can. Place your car heater in an area in your car which is has free space 18 inches all around. When you have found the right spot, you now add a few ounces of isopropyl alcohol, but not the whole thing, on the toilet paper. You will see that the paper absorbed the liquid.

All you have to do now is light your survival car heater. You have to open your window a little bit so some fresh air can come in. When you’ve done that, carefully light the toilet paper with a match or lighter. Once you lighted it, a small flame appears that will burn slowly and warm enough for your car. If you feel that the car is warm enough, place the aluminum pan over the can to conserve your fuel. When you start to feel cold, just add more alcohol to the car survival heater and light it again.