Mustangs and babes – they go together right? Well it depends actually. If you want to attract babes with your mustang you have to make sure the interior of the car is clean for god’s sake. You can’t expect the PamAm bombshell looking at you seductively to get into a car with three inches of Mc-Dees all over the floor.
Clean your Mustang, keep it shiny and sparkling. Also if you want to attract babes with the mustang you should keep the engine in tune and keep the vehicle completely up to date with all its mechanical needs. If the only reason you bought a mustang is for babes – shame on you for wasting such a useful car on a trivial pursuit! The mustang is one of the best performance cars every produces, and the classic ones made between 1965 and 1970 are the best manufactured in the line (in my humble opinion). If you really want to attract babes, try to look as good as your mustang, that way the mustang isn’t the whole selling point.
Babes and cars has been an equation in play since the first cars came off the lines at ford, then became part of our culture in the 50s with the glamorization of cars and convertible. Everyone wanted to be James Dean and have all the babes and chicks he got – or they wanted a Steeve McQueen. The real key is to find a babe who likes mustangs and cars as much as you do – a real mustang babe. Try to find someone who matches your enthusiasm in cars (which is pretty difficult in many cases) or who will at least be compatible with your personality – however few there are there are bound to be some. Remember, babes are attracted to cars, but can easily be junked and disappointed with you – so do some push ups the next time you’re out in the garage working on your prized 1964 and a half mustang rarity, and perhaps you’ll find a few mustang babes.