Nissan 350Z Tuning
Nissan 350z Tuning

Nissan 350Z Tuning

Which car according to you should be the top-most contender for the best Sports coupe of the decade? Millions of wild ideas will be haunting your mind from the word ‘go’. It is not easy to judge, yet there is a clear cut winner by a comfortable margin. Not only it is a stunning piece of machinery but is also cutting edge Sports coupe. Most of you might have judged the right answer by now and it is Nissan 350Z.

A state of art body with amazingly wild engine; this Sports buzz is one of the hottest vehicles on the road. It is known for its impeccable handling and soft steering.

A tuned up 350Z is a feast for every eye. Known for its awesome drag abilities, any tune up will lift its overall perfect rating in true sense.

Nissan 350z Tuning

If you want some mechanical tune up, then probably a fast road cam would be the best option. You have to get a new fuel pressure boost valve so that the engine is not choked and devoid of fuel.

The next big change comes in the form of Breathing Mods. If you have a full induction kit, then you’ll experience maximum power gains. A Sports catalyst would be an added asset since it will not allow your engine to lose on pressure. A strong Power Clutch will direct the power where it is most needed. A good large Turbo will give your Nissan some immense power gains and beasty speed on the road.

A good vehicle is nothing without some extraordinary, jaw-dropping looks. It is always good to have power alloys not for the killer looks but nonetheless they give better balance and control of unsprung weight. Alloy wheels allow efficient brake cooling due to their technical design. In the end the overall rotational diameter should remain the same at all costs.

A final engine tuning not only helps in increasing the volumetric efficiency, removing negative pressure using the induction kit but also gives a much greater torque by converting it to necessary power through higher speed.

As a Nissan 350Z enthusiast, you should try 400 hp and 353 ft-lb of torque on VP Racing 100-octane gasoline. Specially prepared for HKS USA, the compressor housing was ported and a prototype 9.5-psi pulley was fitted to the supercharger to replace the standard 7-psi unit. Control the injectors with an HKS F-CON V Pro D Jetro standalone engine management system, which can be further be taken care of by opening valve outflow at all times.. The standard intercooler included in the kit should also be dumped and replaced with a larger prototype S-Type front mount. The included bypass valve should be replaced with an SSQV blow-off valve, made by HKS–obviously.

We’ve seen some of the most amazing Nissan tune-ups till now. A word of caution would be to handle your Nissan car with a lot of care. Since Nissan looks very beautiful, it’s tune-up might just spoil up the internal technicalities. Hence always give your baby in professional hands only.

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