Nissan Micra Tuning
Nissan Micra Tuning

Nissan Micra Tuning

The latest technology buzz on the block from Nissan’s kitty is Nissan Micra. Extremely stylish with a touch of fun and extreme efficiency in all segments, this car is already geared up to set the Indian sub-continent on fire with its unique elegance and horse power. Originally known as March in Japan, this car will roll out on the streets of India in 2010.

Born in 1982, this car posed a serious threat to the sales of Honda City. Known as K10 by its lovers, this car grew in popularity with every new version on the roads. Next came the K11 which ruled for 11 years till 2003. The latest model on the road is the K12 whose production stopped way back in 1997. This car was renowned for its radical design and extremely high thrust.

Nissan Micra Tuning

Designing and tuning up a Micra might seem an easy job, but in reality it is one of the toughest technological challenges on cards. Since it is already very strong as per the technical specifications are concerned, Micra lovers and enthusiasts keep updating themselves with new techniques.

Let us begin with the first step of giving the engine some much needed air. More power comes from more torque which in turn is derived from better volumetric efficiency of the engine. Air filter panel, exhaust system including a high profile catalytic converter are the first major changes that you need to do.

Micra is sensitive to changes, hence the next step should focus on extracting the maximum potential. Since it has to be made into a high turbo charged vehicle; hence high boost pressures are needed which further decrease the intaking charge. An intercooler of optimal size and high quality is needed so that the vehicle intakes less charge temps and gains substantial power boost.

Now comes the discussion point of huge power gains and increasing the much needed torque in the vehicle. After you’ve installed compatible versions of injectors, regulators and fuel rails, you should think of fitting in a larger turbo so that your engine can manage enough power load. You must also work towards removing negative pressure from the valves. An induction kit will help you achieve this quite instantly.

This indirectly increases volumetric efficiency and hence you have a better roaring engine. Always try to make your vehicle light so that the instant acceleration and momentum are immense. A multi layer steel head gasket, camshaft and varrier pulleys, lightened flywheel and extra smooth alloys are very necessary to give your MICRA the much needed impetus.

Micra has been the baby doll of Asia and has ruled the roads for years. The new Micra is ready to unleash its ruthless power and style and turn every head around the corner.

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