Winter – Driving in the Muck

As you know, during winter not only do cars suffer, but the roads they drive on progressively get worse and will develop faults in them that can contribute to more…

Winter – The Terrible Transmission Turmoil

Your transmission, the gearbox that helps you maintain speed, specifically the automatic breed, can be adversely affected by the winter cold and lead to transmission failure and replacement. Keep an…

Keeping your car clean at winter

Oi, one of the hardest things in winter is keeping the car floor clean, let alone the seats and the rest of the vehicle.  Some how it seems that  no…

Winter Accessories

Being prepared for winter also means you will need to have the right tools and accessories ready in the case of an emergency or just for your won convenience. One…

Winter Mobility Aspects

Getting stuck in the snow sucks – trust me, I know. When we had the 5 feet of snow I couldn’t drive for a week, and the snow melted in…
Winter Corrosion

Winter Corrosion

I have made a pretty big fuss so far about corrosion, and yet don’t think it has been explained in detail enough why corrosion is so bad. Well corrosion occurs…
Winter Mobility Mechanical Aspects

Winter Mobility Mechanical Aspects

Under the strain of extreme cold some lower grade metals and alloys become brittle, prone to cracking, additional stress on them can cause mini breaks that lead to eventual failure…

Prepare your Engine for Winter

That little thing under your hood – or big if you have something better than a Honda eco car – is not something that you can say “Well its metal,…

Be Prepared for Winter!

As many of you know, winter is upon us in the northern hemisphere, and that means increased chances of snow, colder weather, and more wear and tear on all parts…